

  • 10 posts

Set Sail for Smooth Seas: Effortless Mac Enrollment with Intune

Setting up a new Mac can feel like navigating a stormy sea for both IT admins and new users. Traditional Mac onboarding often involves a tedious process of manual configuration, software installation, and security settings application. This can lead to: * Lengthy Deployment Times: IT teams spend valuable time managing individual

Secure, Contain, Protect... Your Mac: Deploy mSCP with Intune

Imagine a scenario: Your Mac fleet houses a growing universe of data, valuable and vulnerable in equal measure. This ever-expanding data sprawl threatens to spiral out of control, a potential security nightmare. But fear not, for there's a guardian in the wings: mSCP. This isn't a

Cool Clicks, Swift Kicks: Unleash Peak Mac Performance for a Smoother Ride!

As Intune admins, keeping our devices humming along smoothly is a top priority. That means not just security, but also peak performance. One often-forgotten hero in this fight? Strategic reboots! They apply updates, clear out cobwebs, and generally get Macs back on track. But manually clicking "restart" across

From Newbie to Pro: Enrollment & Logs for Apple Devices

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of iPhones, iPads, and Macs under your wing? Juggling configurations, security, and user needs can quickly turn into a tech juggling act. MDM can feel like a black box at times, offering hidden magic without revealing its secrets. This blog post is your decoder,

MacOS Managed Local Accounts: Friend or Foe? (With a New Friend in Town!)

The world of managing Macs just got a whole lot friendlier (or potentially foe-ish?) with the introduction of a new exciting feature: Managed Local Accounts. Announced at WWDC 2023 and released in Intune today with service release 2402, these features promise to revolutionize the way you handle Mac enrollment and

Uncover the Secrets of AppleSeed: Part III - Mastering the Tools

Picture this: you're an MDM admin tasked with spearheading the deployment of Apple devices across your organization. Amidst the myriad considerations, ensuring seamless device integration ranks paramount. This is where the Mac Evaluation Utility (MEU) emerges as an invaluable ally. Welcome to the last part of the "

Uncover the Secrets of AppleSeed: Part II - Exploring the Tools

Welcome back to second part of "Uncover the Secrets of AppleSeed." In the first part, we delved into what AppleSeed is and its myriad benefits for MDM (Mobile Device Management) administrators. We discovered how this groundbreaking program is shaping the future of Apple's software development and

Uncover the Secrets of AppleSeed: Part I - The Basics

As an MDM admin, navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape is crucial for keeping your organization at the forefront. This is where AppleSeed for IT becomes your indispensable ally. By participating in this program, you don't just get early access to Apple's prerelease software; you become a

BYOD Reimagined: A Web-Based Enrollment Journey for iOS

Streamlining the device enrolment process is crucial for administrators and enterprises implementing BYOD policies. With Microsoft Intune's web-based device enrolment for iOS/iPadOS, setting up and managing devices becomes more efficient than ever.